Web Developer - Brett Hockridge

About Me

Hello! My name is Brett Hockridge. I am born and raised in Southern California and currently live and work in Orange County. For the last couple years I have been working at 24 Hour Fitness as a Sales Expert. I have been working very hard to move out of this field and into web development. With this in mind, I applied to a online Full Stack Web Development Program at the University of California, Irvine. Personally, I excel at HTML5, CSS, and multiple frameworks. Also, I am in the process of mastering JavaScript. Please take a look at my work as I progress within this field.

Full Stack Web Developer Work

Market Talk

market talk screenshot

Market Talk was my first major Front End Project at UCI. My fellow class mates Calvin Kim and Marc Cabal were my collaboraters for this project. All three of us had a interest in stocks and how they operate, so the idea came naturally. To make a webpage that not only displays current market prices, it also has current news on said stock options.

Work Day Schedular

Work Day Schedular webpage screenshot

Work Day Schedular is a webpage I created to help users with scheduling their day to day work life. Users can edit time blocks and enter whatever they like into that time block. User also has a display of current time.

My Github profile
